Friday 8 June 2018

A.P.J .ABDUL KALAM (Biography and Contributions)

A.P.J .ABDUL KALAM  (Biography and Contributions

Bharat Ratna Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931 in a Tamilnadu Muslim family To  Jainulabdeen, a boat owner at Rameswaram located in Tamilnadu. He came from poor family background and started working at an early age to supplement his family's income .

        After completing school, he used to distribute newspapers to financially support his family. His school records show average grades but was considered as a bright and hardworking student .He has a strong desire to learn and his most liked area of interest was mathematics .

          He graduated Physics in 1954 from Saint Joseph College ,Madras . He studied aerospace engineering.

        His dream was to become a fighter pilot but failed to get it as he Bagged 9th position when only 8 slots were available for IAF.

 Kalam's career and contribution:

      ✔After graduating from Madras Institute of Technology in 1960, Kalam joined Aeronautical Development establishment of Defence research and development organisation (DRDO)as a scientist.

      ✔He started his career by designing a small helicopter for the Indian Army.

      ✔  Kalam was a part of the INCOSPAR committee working under Vikram Sarabhai ,Space scientist.

    ✔ During 1970-1990 Kalam made efforts to develop Polar SLV & SLV-3projects which proved to be sucess.

    ✔  In 1970,ISRO launched Rohini-1 into space using SLV rocket.

    ✔  In 1992,he took charge as a scientific adviser to the defence minister.Government of India ;deviced the Arjun tank.

    ✔  In 1998,along with cardiologist Dr.SomaRaju ,Kalam developed a low cost coronary stent and it was named as "Kalam-Raju-Stent".

     ✔ In 2012 ,the duo designed a rugged tablet PC for health care in rural areas ,which was named as "Kalam- Raju -Tablet".

      Kalam served as the 11th President of India suceeding K.R.Narayan.He won the 2002 presidential election.He served from 25th July 2002 to 25 July 2007.


    A.P.J .Abdul Kalam 's 79th birthday was recognised as World student's day by United Nations.He received honorary doctrates from 40 universities.The government of India has honoured him with the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and Padma Vibhushan in1990 for his work with ISRO & DRDO and his role as Scientific adviser to the government.In1997,Kalam received India's highest civilian honour,the Bharat Ratna for his immense and valiable contribution to the Scientific research and modernization of defence technology in India.

Kalam's Writings:

Some of the books written by Abdul kalam includes

"Developments in Fluid Mechanics & Space Technology"

India2020: A vision fot the New Millenium.

Ignited Minds: Unleashing the power within India.

Inspiring thoughts

Wings of fire


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A.P.J .ABDUL KALAM (Biography and Contributions)

A.P.J .ABDUL KALAM  (Biography and Contributions Bharat Ratna Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931 in a ...